Attention Brothers!
Thank you to the Fresno Chapter for hosting the annual Mid-Term this past March. It was quite well attended, and everyone there had a great time enjoying all the food as well as playing tavloo, ping pong, cards, & golf!
The Fresno Chapter will also be hosting the upcoming 95th Annual Convention – busy year for them! It will be held on Labor Day weekend, August 30 – September 1, and will include plenty of amazing food, an awesome Kef Night dinner dance on Saturday evening, fun golf and tavloo tournaments, and of course the Sunday breakfast and meeting. Make your plans to attend now if you haven’t already!
Special note: On Sunday of the Annual Convention, if a Brother is attending only the business meeting (i.e., not eating breakfast there), entry will be at 9:00 AM. All other Brothers will be able to enter for the breakfast starting around 7:30 AM.