Welcome to the Trex San Diego Chapter Website
Our Fraternity Chapter consists of many high-spirited men – come join the fun!
We meet for dinner on the last Tuesday of each month and brothers from other chapters are always welcome. We change our location so please email Anthony Gostanian (agostanian@gmail.com) if you are interested in joining us!
In June 2024, we welcomed two new brothers, Vinnie Avedesian and Emil Sultanov. The brothers got together for a few drinks at the Del Mar Fair, hosted at Bro. Chicken Charlie’s restaurant! We also hosted a successful picnic and raffle, with more than 30 brothers and over 90 people in attendance. We celebrated our 50th anniversary as a chapter, including PGM Joe Kellejian’s leadership through these years. It was a busy and great start to the summer of 2024!
Every Fall we host our Wine & Cheese event which raises money for scholarships for deserving Armenians with a San Diego connection. In 2023, our Master John Mardikian presented a champion’s belt to PGM Joe Kellejian for 40 years of leadership on the W&C event.
A scruffy looking bunch of nerdherders.

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