Welcome to the Los Angeles Chapter of the Triple X Fraternity. This year’s officers include Brothers Matt Matoesian (Master), Vahe Devian (Junior Master), William Simonian (Recording Secretary), Ed Constantian (Treasurer), Brian Krikorian (Corresponding Secretary) and Michael Nigosian (Sergeant of Arms).
The 2024/2025 officers starting in September 2024 are: Vahe Devian-Master; Michael Nigosian-Junior Master; William Simonian, Recording Secretary; Ed Constantian, Treasurer; Brian Krikorian, Corresponding Secretary; and Dale Chaloukian, Sergeant of Arms.
The Chapter Contact is Brother Brian Krikorian, Corresponding Secretary, at Bhkrik@gmail.com.
The Los Angeles Chapter has been proud to host numerous Conventions over the years, and has graciously lent many of its leaders to guide this Fraternity as Grand Master, namely Bros. Mardie J. Bakjian, Paul Bozajian, Henry Zakian, Andy Bakjian, Heront Jay Julian, Herb Elmassian, Joe Kellejian, Sr., Ray Hovey, Joe Zorigian, Aram Poladian, J. Gregory Avedesian, David Maseredjian, Mel Shanoian, Nick Nigosaian, Jeff Hazarian, Vaughn Vartanian, John Casparian; Richard Jebedjian, and now Grand Master Michael Mooradian.
2024-2025 Meeting Dates
The Los Angeles Chapter meets the first Wednesday of every month unless that it a holiday and then it is moved to the next Wednesday. Meetings are currently held at St. Peter Armenian Apostolic Church in Van Nuys.
2024-2025 Upcoming Events
- 9-14-24 The Jimmy Gondjian Cigar Night at Jimmy Melikian’s house.
- 10-27-24 Installation Banquet at Porter Valley Country Club
- 11-8-24 Gin Tournament at St Peter Armenian Church
- 2-22-25 Armenian Heritage Night at LA Kings Hockey game.
- May, 2025 Armenian Open Golf Tournament
2024 Charity Cigar Night
In September, Brother Jimmy Melikian hosted the Jimmy Gondjian Cigar Night at his home. The evening was beautiful overlooking the Queen’s Necklace. Fine Brandy and liquors and the best cigars were used to raise money for the Armenian Studies Program at California State University, Fresno.
2024 Stag
In October Bros Sam and Sammy Donabedian co-chaired our Annual Stagg Outing, this year at Marriott Desert Resort in Palm Desert. A weekend of two days of golf, great food, drink & fraternalism. Lots of gin and tavloo was played too. We loved having some of our TREX Brothers from other chapters join us too. Orange County and Palm Desert were both represented. Outstanding work Bros Sam and Sammy.
Installation Banquet
This year has been a busy year for the Los Angeles brothers. Starting with our Installation banquet at the Porter Valley Country Club on October 30th, we were honored to have our own brothers from the Grand Chapter joining us including Brothers Sam Donabedian (Grand Historian), Steve Sahagian (Grand Editor), Mark Derderian (Grand Marshal), Bob Simonian (Grand Treasurer), Michael Surmeian (Grand Secretary), Levon Michaelian (Junior Grand Master), and our own Past Master Michael Mooradian (Grand Master). The event was fun with good food, socializing with brothers and their families, and entertainment topped off with a silent auction.
Tournament of Roses Parade
On January 1st Bro Shant Dergazarian organized a New Years Day breakfast at St. Gregory Church located on the Rose Bowl Parade Route. While this was not an official TREX event, TREX Brothers from 4 different chapters were present and sat for a great photo. Really great work!
Gin Tournament
In February, Bro Stan Roopenian, PGM John Casparian and PGM David Maseredjian chaired our Annual Gin Tournament. The players were treated to a kufta and lamajoun dinner and played big stakes gin. Winning the coveted trophy this were PGM Jeff Hazarian and PGM John Casparian. Neither of which are exceptional players, but their cards were hot. Congratulations PGMs!
Los Angeles Kings Night!
Bro William Kevorkian and his lovely wife Diana chaired the LA TREX jaunt to the LA Kings Armenian Heritage Night hockey game. About 50 LA Trex families attended and had a wonderful time. Such a great time, all while helping to bring awareness to our people suffering in Artsakh.
Wives Night Out
In April, Bro Hagop Michaelian, Ralph Dergazarian and their wives Gail and Deanne hosted our annual Wives Night Out event called Night at the Playhouse. We first met for dinner at an authentic Mexican restaurant and walked across the street to the Pasadena Playhouse where we all enjoyed a night out. Lots of fun and a great time with all our LA and SGV brothers. Thank you Bros Hagop and Ralph along with Gail and Deanne.

Armenian Open Golf Tournament
Bro Steve Chelebian was given the reins of the Annual Armenian Open Golf Tourney. He assembled a committee so vast, there are fewer people not on it than on it. This year’s event was held at the Moorpark Country Club. Bro Steve and his committee did a great job and bumped participation by over 70 additional golfers. He mixed up the format and timing, changed the date… and it all worked great. Included in the 136 golfers were 3 foursomes of our LA Jr Chapter and some of their friends. In the end, the event was a HUGE success. Oddly, the winning team included someone with the same last name as the Chairman of the event. The 1st place team consisted of three LA Jr Trexman: Bro Frank Chelebian, Bro Armand Hairabedian, Bro Shant Deyirmencian, and their friend. Most of the remaining players were bitter and chased Bro Steve off the property with their golf clubs and sand trap rakes in hand. The proceeds of this tournament are used to fund charities including the Armenian Wounded Warrior Fund and others.
Summer Bash
June was busy. Bro Gary Dergazarian, Bro Gary Zakarian and Bro John Missakian teamed up for our summer party with a Hats and Vests theme. We had a full house with everyone dressed in their favorite hats and vests, except Bro Chris Armen, who dressed as a piece of bacon. He clearly didn’t get the memo. Nonetheless, Bro Chris won for the best hat and vest, despite the fact that he wore neither one. Congratulations to this Trio-of-Trexmen for putting on a great event!
Family Picnic
Bro Rich Taminosian and beautiful family chaired the LA Trex Family Picnic in Glendale this year. There was plenty of kebab, pilaf and fassoul-yah for everyone. Bro Rich wanted a special shout out to all those that helped and contributed food, desserts and drinks, helping make it a very successful event.
July 2021 was the first in person, regular meeting of the Los Angeles Chapter since February 2020. Help at KoKo’s Restaurant in the San Fernando Valley, it was also the first meeting not held at the Ararat Armenian Home in several years. Our first in person activities was in June 2021 with our family picnic, along with the Stagget held in Solvang, with brothers and their wives enjoying a weekend of wine, golf, good food and fellowship. The brothers also sponsored a Junior Chapter recruiting event in June at Brother and Grand Secretary Mike Surmeian’s home. Eight new junior members were recruited with several other candidates identified. These candidates were both legacy and non legacy young men enthusiastic about Triple X.
2021 Armenian Open
The 2021 Armenian Open Golf Tournament was held on August 16, 2021 at the Calabasas Country Club. The event was a charity event to $8800.00 for the Armenian Wounded Heroes Fund. The weather was perfect on this beautifully groomed golf course in the Santa Monica Mountains adjacent to the former Calabasas Stables where the original National Velvet was filmed with none other than “Liz” Taylor. The tournament was open to all and included a putting contest, various incentive games along the course, and a fabulous Mezza prepared by the wives. The event was managed and executed by many Los Angeles Brothers that served as coordinators, event setup and tear down, registration, course marshals, photographers, and drink boys. Special thanks to the Chair Brothers on this event, Brothers John Casparian, Jeff Hazarian, Zareh Mitilian, Art Avazian, and Steve Chelebian. A very special thanks to Janice Casparian and the other wives of brothers that help coordinate and maintain the Mezza. Low gross winners of the Flights A, B, and C received the new Jimmy Gondjian Trophies in likeness of our brother. Winners of our tournament are as follows:
Overall Low Gross – Daniel Gordan
Senior LA Trexman Low Gross – Matt Matoesian Senior LA Trexman Low Net – Steve Papazian
Flight A 1st place – Jason Barmasse Flight A 2nd Place – Ron Aivazian
Flight B 1st place – Tony Gamboa Flight B 2nd Place – Nathan Stark
Flight C 1st place – Kevin Artinian Flight C 2nd place – Kevin Kevorkian
Blind Bogey 1st place – Nick Mikaelian Blind Bogey 2nd place – Vasken Gourdikian
Scotch and Strikes
In July, the chapter held its first Scotch and Strikes recruiting event. Members and guests were treated to exquisite scotches, food and drink along with and evening at the home of one of our brothers. We look forward to a more normalized year of many socials and gatherings. A few photos are shown here with more in the photo album section.
Wellness Days
Instituted by Brother Shant DerGazarian, the Los Angeles Triple X has been routinely conducting wellness hikes on Saturdays for brothers, wives and families. The first of these were in the San Gabriel Mountains followed by the Santa Monica Mountains. The most recent walk was sponsored by Brother Jeff Bogosian and was conducted on July 24th along the Pacific Ocean on the Palos Verdes Peninsula. The walk started at Trump National Golf Course and followed the public trail to the Portuguese Bend Beach Club where lunch was provided by Brother Richard Taminosian. Fun was had by all!
Family Picnic
On June 27th, the chapter hosted its annual Family Picnic and Verdugo Park. Food, Softball, and lots of fellowship for all the families that attended! This year was particularly well attended in the release of all our brothers and their families from the captivating COVID-19 solitude.
The chapter had its last in person meeting in March of 2020 with all the fun and circumstance that is expected in our chapter. Since that time we have had are regular first Wednesday of the month meeting on ZOOM often having over 50 brothers joining in. Its funny that we now see a number of brothers on zoom that we do not regularly see in person!! Hope we call all get together soon. In regards to events we had to cancel our spring, summer, and fall events due to COVID-19 including our Stagette, Standup Comedy Night, Wives Night Out, Day at the Races, Family Picnic, as well as our upcoming support of the Ararat Picnic, Mens Stag, Installation Banquet, Gin Night, and Christmas Party. Lets hope we can all get back on track in 2020.
2019 saw the return of a beloved event – the Dinky Creek outing! Brother Gary Dergazarian was key in restarting this tradition. The event was attended by brothers from many chapters including Los Angeles. The following photos say it all!
Another groundbreaking event! – a spring stag, and wait for it, with our significant others making it a STAGETTE! Brothers and their wives enjoyed a weekend of golf, wine tasting, great food and fellowship – what else can we ask for! March 20-23 was the first of many to come.
A strong showing at the Midterm convention with PGM Mel Shanoian, Brother Tev Eminian, and Brother Mike Kourtjian receiving golfing awards during the Midterm Meeting from Grand Master Gregg Chorbadjian.
Brother Shant Dergazarian is the all time Bingo Winner! Dont spend it all in one place Shant!
The 100 year celebration of the Triple X Fraternity occurred at the 89th Annual Convention hosted by the Fresno, Selma, and Sequoia Chapters of our fraternity. Thirty Nine members of the Los Angeles Chapter attended the convention along with their families resulting in a participation of over 52 persons from our fraternal family in Los Angeles. Highlights of Convention included the Los Angeles Chapter receiving the Chapter of the Year trophy as received by Master Michael Mooradian from Grand Master Gregg Chorbadjian.

Brothers getting ready to Tee Off!
2018 Ararat Picnic